Youth Ministries

320th kilfennan
girls' brigade company
"To seek, serve and follow christ"
Girls’ Brigade is a Christian youth organisation for girls of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. We offer a programme of fun activities for girls, designed to educate, challenge and inspire along with Christian teaching that is relevant and meaningful to girls today.
Our aim is to help girls to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, through self control, reverence and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life.
Girls are grouped into sections according to age:
Explorers: Age 3 (by 1st July) to 7 years
Juniors: Age 8 – 10 years
Seniors: Age 11 – 13 years
Brigaders: Years 8 – 14
Our Girls’ Brigade meet on a Thursday evening.
Explorers meet 6:30 – 7:45pm
Juniors, Seniors & Brigaders (also known as the Company Section) meet 7:00 – 8:30pm.
Girls can join our Company at any time but the best time is at the start of the season in September.
Boys’ Brigade is a Christian youth organisation for boys of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. We offer a balanced programme of activities for children and young people from 3 to 18 years old. The resources have been developed to help our volunteer youth leaders work in a relevant and creative way. We hope through these programmes we will be able to make a positive contribution to a young person’s life and be able to share their faith.
Our aim is to see “the advancement of Christ’s kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.”
Boys are grouped into sections according to age:
Anchor Boys: 5 – 8 years (P1 – P4)
Junior Section: 8 – 11 years (P5 – P7)
Company Section: 11 – 18 years (Y8 – Y14)
Our Boys’ Brigade meet on a Wednesday evening. The times are as follows:
Anchor Boys: 7:00 – 8.00pm
Junior Section: 7:00 – 8:00pm
Company Section: 7.30 – 9.00pm

4th londonderry
boys' brigade company

Meet with others; ask the big questions. Laugh a lot, make friends, do some exciting stuff in our city, talk about God, explore your faith.
Youth Fellowship (YF) is our programme for 11-18 year olds and is a great place for making friends, thinking about faith, having fun and discovering God. Every other Sunday night we meet at 7:45pm for about an hour and a half to hang out, mess about, talk, learn, worship and sometimes pray.
At YF we realise there is more to life than just going to school, getting a job, a nice house, getting married and then getting old! THERE’S JUST GOTTA BE! So we want to find out more, to start living with a true purpose and discovering the exciting life that God intends for us. There’s a God who loves us and wants the best for us.
Come along on a Sunday evening to see what it’s all about.
A vibrant space for any young person Year 8+ to hang out, build relationships with each other and the team and just have some fun!
We meet on a Friday night from 7.45pm – 9.45pm in the church. Activities include pool, air hockey, table tennis, Wii Dance, PS3, football, hockey, badminton, DVD nights, craft, competitions and food. Come on down and join in the banter!
We are a Christ centered organisation that aims to share God

A relaxing place for parents, bumps, babies and preschool children.
Toddler time is held every Thursday 10am – 12 noon during term time. It’s a great opportunity for parents, carers and preschoolers alike to grab a drink, enjoy some fun and enjoy ‘relaxing’ with folks in the same boat!
We have a fantastic hall with plenty of space for kids to play. On a typical Thursday morning we will have a fab time chatting, letting the kids play, singing and always having a cuppa and a snack. Not to mention juice, fruit and toast for the little ones! Toddler time is a great place to make friends. Open to any parent, grandparent, mum to be or carer.
Thursday 10am – 12 noon.
Totszone is a fun space for all babies and preschool children to allow Mums, Dads and grandparents who wish to be free from distraction as they worship!
totszone is available during our morning service and opens from 11:15am for children from birth to approximately 3 years old. There are lots of small toys and books in our totszone room and we also have the use of the sports hall where children can enjoy zooming up and down in small cars and ride on toys.
A team of people share a rota to ensure that your children are well looked after. The church service is relayed to the totszone room so if you need to stay with your child you won’t miss a thing!
Available : Morning service. Opens from 11:15am

During Morning Service
KidsZone provides children from P1-P7 with a varied and dynamic programme. There are games, puzzles and activities based on a Bible story each week and a time of kids praise. Your child may also be given a light snack.
All our leaders are AccessNI checked, and appropriately trained where necessary. We love our children and want them to enjoy making friends and discovering God!

TeenZone (Yr 8-10)
Time: 10.30am

Bible Class (Yr 11-12)
Time: 10.30am
Time to dig deeper into the Bible and discover its relevance for us today.