For anyone wishing to donate their offering by standing order the following forms are available for download. Please download and print off whichever you require, then fill out the form making sure you put in the correct bank account details and take to your bank. If you have any queries please contact the treasurer at kilfennanaccounts@yahoo.com
KPC Freewill Offering Standing Order Form
KPC Property Fund Standing Order Form
KPC Appeals Standing Order Form
At KPC our aim is to create and promote a safe environment for children, young people and leaders.
Children and young people attending organisations or groups meeting in our church do so for many reasons including their personal and spiritual development. They should enjoy these activities with optimum physical safety and free from the threat of abuse.
Similarly, leaders and helpers approved by Kirk Session to work with children and young people should enjoy serving confidently, and with advice and support from church leadership.
For this reason the Kirk Session of Kilfennan Presbyterian Church has adopted the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s Child Protection Guidelines, Taking Care, approved by the General Assembly and revised in 2011. All organisations are expected to adhere to these guidelines and Explanatory Notes.