we believe
our purpose is to bring glory to God the Father.
We are called by Christ to the making of disciples who will grow in their faith in Him and who will live out that faith in the whole of life. It is our hope and prayer that all visitors to our congregation will find themselves embraced by the love of God and by the love of His people.
We look forward to welcoming you as we meet to worship God together.
Sunday Morning Worship each week is at 11.30am (10.30am July,August) and preschool children have Tots Zone, primary school children have Kids Zone during the service.
Tea and coffee are now available before the Morning Service so please come and have a cuppa and chat before the Service.
Sunday Evening Service is at 6.30pm.
(except July and august, no evening service)
All welcome.

Minister :
Rev Russell Edgar
Bible Class & Teens Zone 10.30AM
Teens discipleship & fellowship
Year 8-10 (Teens Zone) &Year 11-12 (Bible Class)
Morning Worship 11 .30AM (10.30 July,August)
A time of worship, teaching & fellowship for all, tea & coffee before & livestream on Youtube
TotsZone 11 .30AM (10.30 July,August)
Creche for preschoolers during Morning Worship
Kids Zone 11 .30AM (10.30 July,August)
Children's Ministry (P1-7) during Morning Worship Time of Bible stories, activities, singing & fun
Evening Worship 6.30PM
A time of worship, teaching & fellowship
Prayer time before service (6pm)
Youth Fellowship 7.45PM
Teens Ministry: Time of fellowship & teaching for all in Secondary School. 1st & 3rd Sundays of every month (Church Halls & Various locations)
Connect Group 8PM
Bible Study & Fellowship Group,
meets alternate weeks (Kane Home)
Connect Group 8PM
Bible Study & Fellowship Group,
meets alternate weeks (Manse)
Connect Group 10AM
Bible Study & Fellowship Group,
meets alternate weeks (Minor Hall)
Table Tennis 10AM
Open to all, come give it a go (Sports Hall)
Community Hub Food Rescue 11.30am
Choir Practice 6.45PM
For all who love to sing, time of practice for
Sunday Worship & Special Events (Choir Room)
Bowls 7 .30PM
Open to all, come give it a go (Sports Hall)
Presbyterian Women 8PM
Women's ministry & fellowship, guest speakers & events throughout the year, 2nd Tues each month (Minor Hall)
Food Rescue, open to all (Minor Hall)
Men' s Club 10AM
Time of fellowship & fun with bowls, pool, table tennis &snacks,for all men (Sports Hall)
Boys ' Brigade 7-9PM
Time of activities, discipleship & fun for all boys
Anchors (P1-4) 7-8pm
Juniors (P5-7) 7-8pm
Company (Year 8-14) 7.30-9pm
Connect Group 8PM
Bible Study & Fellowship Group,
meets alternate weeks (Minor Hall)
Prayer Time 8PM
Time of prayer for the WHOLE church family meets alternate weeks (Minor Hall)
Toddler Time 10AM-12PM
A relaxing place for parents, bumps, babies and preschool children. Time of fun, chat, & snacks. Entry fee £1.50 (additional child 50p) (Sports Hall)
Girls ' Brigade 6.30-9PM
Time of activities, discipleship & fun for all girls
Explorers (Age 3-7) 6.30-7.45pm
Juniors (Age 8-10) 7.30-9.00pm
Seniors (Age 11-13) 7.30-9.00pm
Company (Year 8-14) 7.30-9.00pm
Community Hub & Coffee Time 10AM
Food Rescue & Coffee Time drop in
Open to all (Coffee Dock & Minor Hall)
Youth Club 7.45-9.45pm
Night of Fun for teens (12-17yrs):
sports, games, chill, tuck & more!
Young Adults 7 .30PM
Time of fellowship, food & discussion for 17-25yr olds 2nd Saturday each month (Manse)

Tuesday 11.30AM
Open to all (Minor Hall)
Friday 10AM Coffee also served
Open to all (Minor Hall)
Sun 2 Presbyterian Women 11.30am
(Caroline Bradley: Care for the Family)
Sun 16 All Age Service 11.30am
Sun 16 Tear Fund All Age Service 11.30am
(Chris Thompson: Tearfund Director)
Soup Lunch Afterwards
Wed 26 Boys' Brigade Celebration 7pm
Thur 3 Girls' Brigade Display 7pm
Fri 18 City Churches' Good Friday
Communion Service
Sun 20 Easter Sunday 11.30am and 6.30pm
Sun 27 Communion 11.30am